There is a lot more to driving than people realize, especially when it is your job. You work long hours and maintaining concentration after hours on the road is a huge challenge. There are hazards constantly thrown at you and, in some conditions, you are essentially risking your life. This is why you have to ensure that your vehicle is in optimal condition to be on the road. Your own health is also important. The following are some tips for employees who drive.
The use of an electronic logging device will keep you safe. The number of hours you use the vehicle for will be recorded and you will be immediately aware if you have gone over the legal amount of time. This is essential to stay within any legal requirements, but also for your own safety when driving. If you want to know more about installing an electronic logging device you can take a look at a complete guide online that will tell you everything you need to know.
This is something you know, but we are also very good at deceiving ourselves about how well rested we actually are. Make sure you ask yourself specific questions before you take your vehicle on the road and if you are tired and feel that you are unable to perform your job in a safe manner, alert your manager. Getting eight hours of sleep a night will ensure you are rested, but it is also important to use your rest days to recuperate as the amount of concentration you use while driving will take a toll on your brain.
You might know the area you are driving in well, even be an expert, however it is still good practice to prepare a route plan. Your plan should include any contingencies that might arise. Traffic jams or accidents are part of the driving life and there is nothing more frustrating than being stuck and not knowing where you can go.
Checking your vehicle should be done before you leave. Ensure that tires are safe and that you have adequate fuel. Your company should provide you with a list of things that should be checked, so follow that exactly. This process can help expand communication between you and your superiors as well. Even if you are late, this must be done to the highest of standards. If you don’t, you are risking your life and the lives of others. And remember that it’s you who is responsible for the condition of your vehicle.
This relates back to getting adequate rest, but it cannot be overstated how important a factor it is to keep you and others safe. If you are not awake and alert, there is a very high chance you will become involved in an accident. You will bear the responsibility as you have taken your vehicle out when you are not in the right condition to do so! If you feel you need some rest on route, then stop and take a break. If you feel you are not alert enough to finish your trip, then inform your manager. It is not worth risking lives over.
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