Solar Panel Technology: This Is How They Work


Solar energy is a renewable energy resource that is abundant, affordable, and clean. Solar power is energy that comes from the sun, which has been converted into either thermal or electrical energy. More and more households in the United States are choosing to install power panels on their house, saving them thousands of dollars in energy savings over the lifetime of the panels.

While popular with American households, many of us don’t fully understand the technology that converts the sun’s rays into electricity that can heat the water in your kettle. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at solar panel technology and highlight some of the benefits of going green and choosing solar panels.

How Do Solar Panels Work?

In the United States, solar energy is truly entering the mainstream. This is thanks to advancements in technology that have improved the effectiveness of solar panels and the ongoing reduction in their cost.

To understand solar panel science, we must first mention silicon cells, also known as photovoltaic. Solar panels are constructed of these silicon cells, along with a metal frame, glass casing, and wiring.

Each of these silicon cells acts as a semiconductor wafer. Each one has two layers: one positively charged and one negatively charged. When hit by photons from sunlight, these cells energize and create an electric field.

Within this semiconductor wafer, loose electrons are set into motion, which in turn creates an electric current. An inverter then converts the direct current electricity that is created into alternating current electricity. This converted electricity can be used to power your home and boil the water in your kettle.

Although this is quite a scientific process, operating solar panels at home is incredibly simple. If you are interested in installing solar panels on your property, click here for an experienced solar installation company.

Benefits of Solar Panels

There is a wide range of benefits to installing solar panels on your property. Let’s take a quick look at some of those:

  • Significantly reduced energy bills
  • Less dependency on the grid
  • Earn money by selling excess electricity
  • Increase property value
  • Support a cleaner environment

Now is a great time to choose solar panels for your home. Check out Google’s Project Sunroof to calculate how much you could save on energy bills by installing solar panels on your roof.

Harness the Power of Solar Panel Technology for Your Home

Thanks to advancements in solar power technology, it makes financial and environmental sense to make the switch to solar energy. Solar panels have an average lifespan of around 25 years, which offers you the potential to save thousands of dollars on energy bills in the meantime. You’ll also support a greener environment and reduce the dependency on non-renewable energy.

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