Home TECHNOLOGY Sage 50 Cloud: Largest System Update Since The Software Was Introduced

Sage 50 Cloud: Largest System Update Since The Software Was Introduced

With version 1.7 of its native cloud solution Sage 50, Sage has provided the most significant system update since its market launch. The new features include the integration of a document management system. The release also offers unique features and additional interfaces such as Sage payroll.

With the new document management system, another milestone has been reached towards a paperless office and flexible work in the cloud. Sage, the market and technology leader for cloud-based business solutions, has made version 1.7 of Sage 50 Cloud available to its customers, the most significant system update since the solution was launched. The heart of the new release of the cloud-based ERP solution for small companies is integrating a document management system (DMS).

With it, users can digitize documents in the company and store them in a digital archive following the law. In addition to the balance sheet, Sage 50 Cloud also has a revenue-surplus calculation function. Further innovations are automatic account statement retrieval via online banking, additional interfaces, for example, for Sage payroll, and a client for users with read-only access, for instance, tax advisors.

Sage 50 Cloud: Integration Of The DMS In Cooperation With develop

The integration of the new DMS solution was carried out in cooperation with the DMS manufacturer d.velop and fits seamlessly into the surface of the Sage 50 cloud. In this way, users can store all tax-relevant business documents such as offers, delivery notes, or invoices that are subject to retention securely and following the law – for example, with a view to GoBD and GDPR – in a German cloud data center. Expandable cloud storage is available for this. Sage uses the certified infrastructure of the Microsoft Azure Cloud for the Sage 50 Cloud. That means: The hosting of the data complies with the highest security standards, which small companies can only achieve with great difficulty on their own.

Thanks to an intelligent keyword search, documents can be found quickly in the DMS. This is made possible by the automatic attribution of the papers. This gives users an optimal overview of all archived internal and external documents. The new version of Sage 50 Cloud also has an improved dashboard that provides quick access to the most frequently used functions. Account statements can be called up automatically via the integrated PSD2-compliant online banking system.

In addition, the interfaces have been expanded: In addition to the WinIDEA export, users now also benefit from an interface to Sage payroll accounting. External users, such as tax consultants, can also have read access to the client’s system.

“An Important Step In The Cloud Transformation Of Our Customers”

Oliver Henrich, Vice President of Product Engineering at Sage, explains the new release: “With the current release of our native cloud solution Sage 50, we have taken another critical step in terms of cloud transformation for our customers. Because with the new DMS not only the door to the paperless office is wide open.

Instead, the entire software with this current version conveys a unique experience of cloud computing: It offers maximum flexibility, location, and time-independent work, even via mobile devices, since with Sage 50 Cloud, stationary servers and desktop systems are no longer necessary for business-relevant To view documents.

In this respect, the DSM provides our customers with a completely new information center – a new data hub for controlling their operating processes. In addition, the solution is an integral part of our strategy.

Sage is one of the market leaders for IT systems used in small and medium-sized companies. These enable more transparency and more flexible and efficient processes in accounting, company, and personnel management. Millions of customers worldwide trust Sage and its partners regarding solutions from the cloud and the necessary support.

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