Concept Of Google Drive – Main Features, Capacity & Future Of Google Drive

Concept Of Google Drive

Google Drive. The online storage service that has been on the lips of the entire tech sector for months has made its debut today. This is how Google Drive arrives, an open secret that highlights the importance of cloud storage and makes direct competition to the equivalent services of Apple -iCloud-, Microsoft -SkyDrive- and others such as Dropbox or Google Drive comes as a place to create, share, collaborate and store your documents and files. You will be able to store photos, videos, Google Docs documents, PDFs and much more.

Main Features

With Google Drive we can create the following:

  • Bulleted list item Create and Collaborate: Google Docs is built into Google Drive, allowing you to collaborate with others in real-time on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Add and reply to comments about anything: PDF files, images, video, etc. and receive notifications when other people comment on the shared items.
  • Bulleted list item Store everything safely and access from anywhere, especially on the go. All your things will be right when you need it, no matter where you are whenever you have Internet access. Drive can be installed as much on PC as on Mac and initially on Android, although it will come to iOS later.
  • Bulleted list item Search easily: you will have facilities to find your files since we can filter by file type owner, activity, size, etc. As a novelty, we highlight the integration of Optical Character Recognition (OCR), that is, if you upload a photo/image with text, Google Drive will index that text as well and we will be able to find the image by it -currently that technique is in testing phase -. East.

Capacity Of Google Drive

Google offers 5 Gbytes of capacity to all users for free, placing itself ahead of services such as Dropbox, a true benchmark in the sector. As for the possibilities of expansion, you can hire 25 Gbytes for $ 2.49 per month -1.88 € at the current exchange rate. 100 Gbytes for $ 4.99 a month-€ 3.76 at the current exchange rate. 1 Tbyte for $ 49.99 a month-€ 37.71 at the current exchange rate. We record that use this service the Google Drive pay Google to offer for free expanding your account Gmail to 25 Gbytes.

Google Drive For Business

Google has thought of companies to use this service. They have created centralized administration tools with which you can add or remove space for users or groups of users. The service is secure, all files are encrypted from the browser to Google’s servers and the two-step verification system can be used to prevent unauthorized access.

Google replicates data across multiple data centres to prevent loss or inaccessibility of data in the event of a problem at any of Google’s data centres. That is why Google is able to guarantee 99.9% of operability as it happens with Google Apps for companies.

Google Drive will have 24/7 technical support, that is, available whenever you need it. Each Google Apps user will have 5 Gbytes of storage and administrators will be able to purchase 20 Gbytes for approximately $ 4 per month and go up to 16 Tbytes.

Future of Google Drive

Drive has been created to work perfectly with the rest of Google services. You can share the photos you host in Drive on Google+ and you can even use Drive as a source to attach files in Gmail – current maximum cap of 25 Mbytes.

The Google Drive platform is in full development and will allow third-party applications to send faxes, edit videos and create simulations of websites from the cloud itself thanks to applications via the Chrome Web Store. You can try Drive for yourself from Drive.

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